
I Am that I Am

I am the spiritual architect, creating my experiences as I go.

In this life I have lied, stolen, cried, healed, created, given, laughed, yelled, and loved~ and it’s All made me who I am in this moment in time. I’m learning more and more about myself every day, by working through my fears, healing old wounds, and overcoming moments of self doubt that pop up along the way.

I have found numerous books, mentors, and modalities that have helped me along my journey and I’m here to share whats helped me. I’m here to create a safe space for you to re-discover your innate abilities. It brings me joy to see others thrive, and I love sharing my tools for success.

Love, Career, Relationships, Healing, and Growth, I am here to cheer you on and offer my services.

How It All Began

My spiritual awakening began in 2012 when I first felt a big “shift” happening. Through the help of someone very close to me, I was able to understand that I had control in how this shift was going to affect me. Once I realized I had all the power to create what I wanted, I began a deep dive into what that actually was. I turned to the many that came before me and had wisdom to share. Wayne Dyer, Abraham Hicks, Louis Hayes, and countless channelers. One of the books that I read during this questioning phase was Many Lives Many Masters by Dr Brian Weiss, and that completely opened up a new door of possibilities for me. Hypnosis was never really talked about or even thought about growing up, besides seeing random stage acts I had seen. Many Lives, Many Masters showed me how Hypnotherapy can really transform someones life. I was instantly interested and hooked. A few years later, I discovered a beautiful Hypnotherapist named Alba Weinman on youtube, and devoured her videos, even scheduling my very first hypnosis session with her. I later took a course that she co-taught with Antonio Sangio for a form of hypnosis called Introspective hypnotherapy. Wanting to dive in even deeper, I completed schooling at the Hypnotherapy Academy of America, taught by Tim and Angela Simmerman, where I learned more past life regression, medical support, and techniques that have helped thousands around the world.

And now here I am, incorporating what I’ve learned about hypnotherapy, the law of attraction, and NLP, to assist my clients in reaching their goals and maintaining well-being. I am here to create heaven on earth for myself and others around me… One thought, one intention, and one belief at a time.

It is my core belief that we all deserve to feel good, we all deserve to feel loved, and we are all worthy of the things we seek. All it takes is planting the right seeds of thought into our subconscious for miracles to happen.

“The metaphor of life is rooted in architecture.

To be born, to grow, to be, is an architectural experience.”- Daniel Libeskind